
bathroom makeover


Part spa, part beauty retreat, the bathroom is your private space. No longer is the space a location of mere practicality. While not every bathroom is designed to mimic the style of a resort, a clean, elegant aesthetic quality has clearly emerged, a result of powder room’s transformation from simple necessity to a chic haven.

Thumb rule before you get into a makeover magic mode – take a look at the room as a whole. What works, what doesn’t, which elements are unchangeable, and keep your budget in mind. Keep your things organized, and try to keep most of your toiletries tucked away in cupboards and drawers. The more clutter you see, the more tense you get. Remember that you want the bathroom to be a place for relaxation and refreshment.

If replacing large features is not within your means, your best bet is to work around the offending items. Decrease their impact on the room by sprucing up the rest of the decor.

To add the feeling of luxury to the bathroom, invest in good quality linens. Fluffy white towels are classic because they go with everything, and feel like heaven after a hot bath.

Add new Fixtures

Replace faucets and the shower head, particularly if they look worn. Adding new mirror or fixtures is great way to give a whole new look to your bathroom. For good deals on these accessories, shop during the sale period when many retailers have sales and you can get a very good bargain on the little accents that add drama to your bathroom.

Place a potted plant in a bathroom with plenty of light. Ferns are excellent powder room plants, as they thrive on humidity. An instant makeover!

The bathroom sets the tone for your day; it’s where you get ready, and the way you see your appearance can affect how you feel about yourself. Choose a paint color that complements your skin tone. Light is also incredibly important. Instead of using garishly bright fluorescent bulbs in fixtures for more dramatic choices.

Wallpaper can be a questionable choice for a room where an abundance of humidity can lead to peeling. As an alternative, try creating a wallpaper effect with paint and stencils, as shown in the picture. Even adding pattern to one small wall can make a world of difference.

Add an Accent

Include a small piece of wood furniture in your bathroom in an easy way to soften and add interest to a room that is generally dominated by ceramic tile, stone and metal finishes. Scout the flea markets for interesting tables in distressed wood. Add a touch of glam by upholstering it in velvet.

A Dash of Color

A stark white bathroom needs a dash of color to make it a vibrant space – be it in the form of a bath curtain or a dash of paint on one wall of the bathroom.

Experiment with Polka Dots

A touch of whimsy, but we love the look that it creates in your bath space.

Interesting Accents

Decant mineral bath salts, cotton balls and mouthwash into decorative containers and glass vessel. It really elevates the look of the room.

Common floor inspired look of the week: Blue is our go-to color for the bathroom. It’s fresh and clean, whether light, dark, or anywhere in between – it lets the space breathe and gives it an airy feel.
